Want help getting your heart ready for worship this Sunday? Listen to: https://issuesetc.org/2024/12/02/looking-forward-to-sunday-morning-three-year-lectionary-the-second-sunday-in-advent-pr-sean-daenzer-12-2-24-3374/ Hymn of…
As a result of increasing restrictions for gatherings, set out by the provincial government, Worship services are not allowed allowed for at least the next two weeks. Pleas continue to…
Pastor Fraser will be taking a much needed break from Monday, Nov 9th through to Nov. 15th, 2020. During this time please get in touch with the elders if you…
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church worship service for Sunday, November 8th, 2020.
Worship Services are continuing with four different groups of members attending on different Sundays. Please make not of which group you are in. There is still room for a few…
After a relaxing holiday time, Pastor Fraser will be back to work this week. This means that Worship will resume on Monday, Sep 6th. The Worship group for that Sunday…
The annual meeting for St. Paul’s was scheduled to occur back in April, but the pandemic resulted in postponement at the time. After waiting to see how things would things…
There will be no Worship on Sunday August 23rd or Sunday, August 30th. Services will resume on September 6th. Services will continue to be divided up into four different groups…
Please take note that there will be no Divine Worship on Sunday July 12. This is of particular importance to those members who are in Group B. This would have…