A four week Bible Study will be held during the the summer months. This Bible Study will use the book, “A Martyr’s Faith in a Faithless World as its study…

After almost a year of limited or no worship, St. Paul’s can now return to full normal Worship as of Sunday, July 4th. Under Step 3 of the BC Restart…

After a long break due to the Covid pandemic, members of Group A from the church were able to gather for worship for the first time in many months. It…

A meeting of the Pastor and the elders was held on June 1, and the resumption of Worship is planned to begin on June 6. Limited attendance at Worship will…

As Covid case numbers continue to fall, and immunizations continue to rise, the province has begun to loosen restrictions on indoor Worship services in BC. The Pastor and the elders…

It is almost that time of year again, when we turn our clocks forward by an hour. Did you remember? Don’t worry, we spring forward on the Saturday night, Mar…

The Annual General Meeting is the time when we get together to go over the church year previous, and review. The previous year, 2020, was definitely a unique year, that…

The Provincial Health Authority has extended its restrictions on Worship services in the Province of BC. As a result of these restrictions, in-person Worship will not be allowed for an…

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