Divine Worship
St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, CanadaWorship Service at 10:30am THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD (27 February 2022) Deuteronomy 34:1–12 Hebrews 3:1–6 Luke 9:28–36 The Glory of God Is Manifested in the Body of Christ “Moses...
Divine Worship
St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, CanadaWorship Service at 10:30am FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT (6 March 2022) Deuteronomy 26:1–11 Romans 10:8b–13 Luke 4:1–13 Jesus Christ Is Our Champion Against the Devil Jesus Christ, our champion against...
Board Meeting
St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, CanadaElected members of the board meet for the monthly board meeting.
Divine Worship
St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, CanadaWorship Service at 10:30am SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT (13 March 2022) Jeremiah 26:8–15 Philippians 3:17–4:1 Luke 13:31–35 Jesus Rescues Us from Death and Brings Us into Heaven The prophet Jeremiah...
Worship Committee
St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, CanadaThe worship committee gathers to plan music for the worship services.
Divine Worship
St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, CanadaWorship Service at 10:30am THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT (20 March 2022) Ezekiel 33:7–20 1 Corinthians 10:1–13 Luke 13:1–9 Jesus Calls You to Repentance “Unless you repent, you will all likewise...
Loaves and Fishes
St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, CanadaLoaves and Fishes is a Nanaimo area food bank that provides food for those in need. Food pick and registration is by appointment only. Please check the information below for...
Bible Study
St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, CanadaA new Bible Study begins starting on Sunday, Feb 6th. WE will begin a dicussion on Martin Luther’s “A Simple Way to Pray”. an his Large Catechism teaching on the...
Divine Worship
St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, CanadaWorship Service at 10:30am Reader: Ushers: Coffee Service:
Loaves and Fishes
St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, CanadaLoaves and Fishes is a Nanaimo area food bank that provides food for those in need. Food pick and registration is by appointment only. Please check the information below for...