“Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”
— Matthew 28:19

Claytree Society
Today we are an accredited agency providing support to eighty individuals ranging in age from nineteen to seventy. Our programs focus on community inclusion, recreation, life skills, volunteer opportunities, artistic exploration, personal empowerment and independence

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Canada
Our Society meets every fourth Thursday at 10:30 am from September to June (omitting November and December) . We have an opening devotion and bible study each morning followed by a short lunch break and business meeting. We collect our mites to support our district and national mission grants.
Our motto is “Called to Serve”. We are a society within the Vancouver Island zone which is part of the ABC District of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of Canada.
Our mission work ranges from the local area to National and International project areas. Our quilting group supplies quilts and baby layettes to Canadian Lutheran World Relief. In June and November, the group meets for a dinner and gathers items for local charities. Many of these ingatherings have supported local groups such as Samaritan House, Crisis Pregnancy Centre, Selby Street mission for women, Nanaimo Women’s Shelter and the Stone Soup project.
We invite all the women of our congregation to join us in our mission to serve others.

Lutheran Bible Translators

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
The American affiliate of Lutheran Church-Canada. Plenty of resources are available for Christians.

Gospel Garden
The gardens around the church are maintained by a group of members who have a love for gardening, landscaping, and a love for our Lord. The gardens are laid out to help tell the story of the love of our Saviour for his people. If you would like to help with gardening, contact the church.

Loaves and Fishes
On Monday mornings the Nanaimo Loaves and Fishes sets up in the church basement to provide free food for those who are in need. People who need food assistance can register at the church on Monday mornings. Remember to check the schedule since there is usually no Loaves and Fishes on the Monday following a statutory holiday