As September returns, so do many of of our more regular events. Bible studies have been a blessing for all and have been attended by a large portion of the…

St. Paul’s now has fellowship after Worship EVERY Sunday. Yes, that’s right, every Sunday. Come join for Worship, then join us downstairs for some coffee, tea, and cookies, and fellowship.

“And God looked at all he had created and it was very good.” Genesis 1:31a. God’s story of creation and his love for his created people begins in a garden….

On Sunday, May 29th, another concert of beautiful music will be held at St. Paul’s. If you attended the last concert shortly before Christmas, you will remember the beautiful music…

Pastor Bryan Wolfmuller of Austin Texas shares a YouTube Bible syudy video on Psalm 22 and how it connects with Jesus and Good Friday.

If you wish to follow the readings for Monday to Wednesday of Easter Week, those readings are listed below. Be of Good cheer. Christ is Risen…..He is risen Indeed! EASTER…

For the first time in the last three years there will be Worship services held during Holy Week. We give thanks to God for giving us this opportunity to Worship…

During Holy Week, there will be Worship on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. During this week Pastor Fraser will be very busy preparing for additional Worship services. As a result,…

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