Want help getting your heart ready for worship this Sunday? Listen to: https://issuesetc.org/2024/12/02/looking-forward-to-sunday-morning-three-year-lectionary-the-second-sunday-in-advent-pr-sean-daenzer-12-2-24-3374/ Hymn of…
There will be a special meeting for all voters that will be held after Worship on Sunday, Jan. 21st. This will be a short meeting as it will…
The JuBELLation bell choir will put on a performance at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Sunday December 3rd at 7pm. Please come and join us and listen to the beauty…
A meeting of all voting members will be held to discuss the use of the church and how and what parts of the church should be made available to outside…
Want to know the faith of the Reformation? Check these out…
Please join the members of Trinity Lutheran church in Duncan as they celebrate their 80th anniversary, with a special service on Saturday, September 30th at 1 pm. Refreshments and fellowship…
One believer tells the story of her family’s ongoing recovery from Hurricane Harvey.
As the school year begins again, this article offers practical advice to help us offering spiritual support to the young university students of our congregation. Its ideas may also be…