Want help getting your heart ready for worship this Sunday? Listen to: https://issuesetc.org/2024/12/02/looking-forward-to-sunday-morning-three-year-lectionary-the-second-sunday-in-advent-pr-sean-daenzer-12-2-24-3374/ Hymn of…
September is the time when our regular Bible studies start up again. Pastor Fraser will have a Sunday bible study before church at 9:15AM. This bible study will begin on…
Please take note that normally the Men’s breakfast is on the 4th Saturday of the month, but will be held on the 3rd Saturday in September. Breakfast will be September…
Please take note that Pastor Fraser is away at an LCC meeting in Winnipeg from Sep 17th to 19th. Pastor will not be in his office during this time period.
Please take note that there will be no loaves and Fishes on Victoria Day, Monday, May 20th. Loaves and Fishes will resume again on the following Monday.
A sub-committee has been formed that is currently rewriting our constitution to be more church-focused, and to more clearly define our church operations. The final version of the constitution will…
On Sunday, April 7th, Pastor Mark Biederweiden will be guest preacher at St. Paul’s. Pastor Fraser will be in Victoria to assist with the calling of a Pastor at Hope…
Throughout the season of Lent, we have worship services that occur on Wednesdays at 7pm. Before worship, a supper is held at 530 pm. Please come and join us during…
OK. So it won’t be held on the Tuesday. It has been decided that the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be held on Saturday, March 2nd at 5pm. Supper will…