Want help getting your heart ready for worship this Sunday? Listen to: https://issuesetc.org/2024/12/02/looking-forward-to-sunday-morning-three-year-lectionary-the-second-sunday-in-advent-pr-sean-daenzer-12-2-24-3374/ Hymn of the Week – LSB 344 On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry (starts at 30 second…

Hey, did you know that the life of Jesus was stolen from the Egyptian God Horus? Oh, you know stuff about Horus? Well, I mean it was stolen from Mithras….

The Christmas Season is just around the corner, and this year there will be more opportunities than ever to join in Worship at the Lord’s house. In addition to our…

You can access Lutheran Hour Ministries’ Daily Devotions and sermons from The Lutheran Hour® (TLH Sermons) on your mobile device by using the updated Connected app! Inspirational Scripture-based messages at your fingertips…

Reverend Bryan Wolfmueller discussed how suffering is viewed by out Lord and Saviour Jesus.

The Annual General Meeting for St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will help on Sunday, April 7, 2024, immediately following the Worship Service. This meeting is for all members of the church…

Please note that there is no Lenten Worship service scheduled for March 20th. Lenten worship next week will consist of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Worship services. Both of these…

Pastor Bryan Wolfmuller and another drive home Bible study from a Sunday with three great Biblical texts.

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