The Brunch that was scheduled for Sep 23 has been postponed until October. In October, we will have a Saturday potluck brunch on October 28th. Plan to join us for…

Ride home from church with Pastor Wolfmueller, and hear his meandering thoughts on the Sunday, the Scriptures, and the world. If you hear something interesting, mention the time in the…

Ted asks Rod about why he continues to feel guilt after he’s been forgiven by his pastor. Dad talks about how important it is to have a pastor who understands…

Pastor Bryan Wolfmuller brings Romans 8 to life describing how it is the goal of the devil to separate us from God. But this chapter describes how God’s love is…

‘THE LUTHERAN HOUR’ MOBILE APP You can take The Lutheran Hour® program with you anywhere you go! An updated mobile app is now available for the world’s longest-running Christian outreach radio program!…

EPISODE #169: Ted asks about Rod’s experience in church in his youth and what it did to his faith. Rod talks about Lutheran pietism and how law-focused and improvement-focused teaching…

EPISODE #112: Ted asks how Jesus’ atonement and sacrifice on the cross works. Rod talks about several important books on the subject, about adoption, reconciliation, propitiation, imputed righteousness, how Melanchthon…

Justification by grace through faith alone. Find out how God justifies us through his Son, and not by anything we do.

Come join us for a brunch on Saturday, Jun 18th at 10 am. Delicious food and a chance to have fellowship with your fellow Christian friends. This is the second…

Our Lord was crucified, died and was buried. But he rose again!! Alleluia, Christ is risen! For a time after his resurrection, Christ spent time with his disciples, teaching them,…

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