After almost a year of limited or no worship, St. Paul’s can now return to full normal Worship as of Sunday, July 4th. Under Step 3 of the BC Restart Plan, all restrictions have been lifted for religious gatherings. This means that seating capacity is at full capacity, and all people can attend on any Sunday. Singing is also now allowed.
Communion will return to the regular schedule every other week. Communion service will continue in the the method that it has been since the start of the pandemic. It is anticipated that at Step 4 (September), communion will go back to our standard method of service when we gather together at the communion rails.
The use of masks will coincide with the recommendations of the province. As of the July 1st, the province has stated that people who have received their second vaccine dose, do not need to wear masks 14 days after receiving the second dose. People who are unvaccinated, or have only received one dose are recommended to wear masks, but not required.
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, for he is good. See you on Sunday, July 4th.