Worship Service at 10:30am FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT (26 February 2023) Genesis 3:1–21 Romans 5:12–19 Matthew 4:1–11 Following His Baptism, Jesus is “led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil” (Matt. 4:1). As He takes upon Himself the curse of our sin and sets Himself against our enemy, He...
Loaves and Fishes is a Nanaimo area food bank that provides food for those in need. Food pick and registration is by appointment only. Please check the information below for additional details. Food pick up is between 11am and 12pm.
Wednesday Lent Worship We return to have Wednesday evening Lent services this year. The Lent services are held every Wednesday during the season of Lent at 7pm. Services are about 45 minutes in length. This year, all the Lent services are focused on the book of Esther.
Clay Tree outreach delivers the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people with Developmental Disabilities. This is a wonderful opportunity to share the message of salvation, and visit with people with disabilities. Please contact Pastor Fraser at the church if you would like to assist with this Christian outreach.
Worship Service at 10:30am SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT (5 March 2023) Genesis 12:1–9 Romans 4:1–8, 13–17 John 3:1–17 The Word of the Gospel Opens the Eyes of Faith and Fixes Them on Christ Jesus The Lord called Abram (Abraham) to leave his home and go to a land that God would show him. He also...
Loaves and Fishes is a Nanaimo area food bank that provides food for those in need. Food pick and registration is by appointment only. Please check the information below for additional details. Food pick up is between 11am and 12pm.
Wednesday Lent Worship We return to have Wednesday evening Lent services this year. The Lent services are held every Wednesday during the season of Lent at 7pm. Services are about 45 minutes in length. This year, all the Lent services are focused on the book of Esther.
Clay Tree outreach delivers the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people with Developmental Disabilities. This is a wonderful opportunity to share the message of salvation, and visit with people with disabilities. Please contact Pastor Fraser at the church if you would like to assist with this Christian outreach.
Worship Service at 10:30am THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT (12 March 2022) Exodus 17:1–7 Romans 5:1–8 John 4:5–26 (27–30, 39–42) We Worship the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Spirit and Truth of His Gospel Though the Lord had brought them out of Egypt, “all the congregation of the people of Israel” grumbled against...
Loaves and Fishes is a Nanaimo area food bank that provides food for those in need. Food pick and registration is by appointment only. Please check the information below for additional details. Food pick up is between 11am and 12pm.
Wednesday Lent Worship We return to have Wednesday evening Lent services this year. The Lent services are held every Wednesday during the season of Lent at 7pm. Services are about 45 minutes in length. This year, all the Lent services are focused on the book of Esther.
Clay Tree outreach delivers the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people with Developmental Disabilities. This is a wonderful opportunity to share the message of salvation, and visit with people with disabilities. Please contact Pastor Fraser at the church if you would like to assist with this Christian outreach.
After a couple of years with very few gatherings due to the fear of Covid, St. Paul’s is planning to have a monthly Saturday brunch. The first of these brunches will occur on Mar 18. If you would like to attend, please let us know so that we will have enough food for everyone. The...
Worship Service at 10:30am FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT (19 March 2023) Isaiah 42:14–21 Ephesians 5:8–14 John 9:1–41 or John 9:1–7, 13–17, 34–39 By His Word of the Gospel, Jesus Calls Us Out of the Darkness into His Marvelous Light The Lord is grieved by the spiritual blindness of His people, yet in mercy He does...
Loaves and Fishes is a Nanaimo area food bank that provides food for those in need. Food pick and registration is by appointment only. Please check the information below for additional details. Food pick up is between 11am and 12pm.
Wednesday Lent Worship We return to have Wednesday evening Lent services this year. The Lent services are held every Wednesday during the season of Lent at 7pm. Services are about 45 minutes in length. This year, all the Lent services are focused on the book of Esther.
Clay Tree outreach delivers the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people with Developmental Disabilities. This is a wonderful opportunity to share the message of salvation, and visit with people with disabilities. Please contact Pastor Fraser at the church if you would like to assist with this Christian outreach.
Loaves and Fishes is a Nanaimo area food bank that provides food for those in need. Food pick and registration is by appointment only. Please check the information below for additional details. Food pick up is between 11am and 12pm.
Wednesday Lent Worship We return to have Wednesday evening Lent services this year. The Lent services are held every Wednesday during the season of Lent at 7pm. Services are about 45 minutes in length. This year, all the Lent services are focused on the book of Esther.
Clay Tree outreach delivers the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people with Developmental Disabilities. This is a wonderful opportunity to share the message of salvation, and visit with people with disabilities. Please contact Pastor Fraser at the church if you would like to assist with this Christian outreach.