Bible Study

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

A new Bible Study begins starting on Sunday, Feb 6th. WE will begin a dicussion on Martin Luther’s “A Simple Way to Pray”. an his Large Catechism teaching on the Lord’s Prayer before we move into a study of the prayer book of the Bible, the Psalms. The Bible Study will be held in three...

Divine Worship

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Worship Service at 10:30am Reader: Ushers: Coffee Service:

Event Series Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Loaves and Fishes is a Nanaimo area food bank that provides food for those in need. Food pick and registration is by appointment only. Please check the information below for additional details. Food pick up is between 11am and 12pm.

Divine Worship

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT (3 April 2022) Isaiah 43:16–21 Philippians 3:(4b–7) 8–14 Luke 20:9–20 God’s Beloved Son Has Redeemed Us Our life and works apart from Christ, no matter how they may glitter to the eyes of the world, are ultimately rubbish and have no righteousness. Rather, in the scandalous cross of Jesus, we find...

Event Series Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Loaves and Fishes is a Nanaimo area food bank that provides food for those in need. Food pick and registration is by appointment only. Please check the information below for additional details. Food pick up is between 11am and 12pm.

Divine Worship

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

PALM SUNDAY / SUNDAY OF THE PASSION (10 April 2022) John 12:12–19 (Palm Sunday Procession) Deuteronomy 32:36–39 Philippians 2:5–11 Luke 22:1–23:56 or Luke 23:1–56 or John 12:20–43 The Cross and Passion of Our Lord Are the Hour of His Glory The King of Israel comes into His royal glory by the path of humble obedience...

Event Series Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Loaves and Fishes is a Nanaimo area food bank that provides food for those in need. Food pick and registration is by appointment only. Please check the information below for additional details. Food pick up is between 11am and 12pm.

Event Series Board Meeting

Board Meeting

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Elected members of the board meet for the monthly board meeting.

Divine Worship

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

EASTER DAY (17 April 2022) Isaiah 65:17–25 1 Corinthians 15:19–26 Luke 24:1–12 Christ’s Resurrection Is the Firstfruits of the New Creation The Lord has promised to “create new heavens and a new earth” (Is. 65:17), in which His people shall abide in peace and joy. That new creation has begun in the bodily resurrection of...