Event Series Divine Worship

Divine Worship

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Worship Service at 10:30am FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (Proper 7B) (23 June 2024) Job 38:1–11 2 Corinthians 6:1–13 Mark 4:35–41 The Word of Christ Bestows Peace on His Creation through His Forgiveness of Sins In his anguish and affliction, Job must be reminded that, as a finite creature, he is in no position to question...

Event Series Bible Study – Sundays

Bible Study – Mondays

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Bible Study continues with a study on the Book of Hebrews. Listen and learn about the early church and the sharing of the Gospel message by the disciples and Paul, as the spread God's Word throughout the Roman Empire. Bible study is held at three different times throughout the week. These are three separate groups...

Event Series Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Loaves and Fishes is a Nanaimo area food bank that provides food for those in need. Food pick and registration is by appointment only. Please check the information below for additional details. Food pick up is between 11am and 12pm.

Event Series Bible Study – Sundays

Bible Study – Wednesdays


Bible Study continues with a study on the Book of Hebrews. Listen and learn about the early church and the sharing of the Gospel message by the disciples and Paul, as the spread God's Word throughout the Roman Empire. Bible study is held at three different times throughout the week. These are three separate groups...

Event Series Clay Tree Society Outreach

Clay Tree Society Outreach

Clay Tree Society 838 Old Victoria Rd, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

Clay Tree outreach delivers the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people with Developmental Disabilities. This is a wonderful opportunity to share the message of salvation, and visit with people with disabilities. Please contact Pastor Fraser at the church if you would like to assist with this Christian outreach.

Event Series LWML meeting

LWML meeting

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League holds its monthly meeting. For more information about the LWML contact Pastor or Joanne at the church.

Event Series Bible Study – Sundays

Bible Study – Sundays

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Bible Study continues with a study on the Book of Hebrews. Listen and learn about the early church and the sharing of the Gospel message by the disciples and Paul, as the spread God's Word throughout the Roman Empire. Bible study is held at three different times throughout the week. These are three separate groups...

Event Series Divine Worship

Divine Worship

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Worship Service at 10:30am SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (Proper 8B) (30 June 2024) Lamentations 3:22–33 2 Corinthians 8:1–9, 13–15 Mark 5:21–43 The Lord Jesus Is Faithful, and in Mercy He Raises You Up from Death to Life The Lord is faithful. His steadfast love never ceases, and “his mercies never come to an end” (Lam....

Event Series Clay Tree Society Outreach

Clay Tree Society Outreach

Clay Tree Society 838 Old Victoria Rd, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

Clay Tree outreach delivers the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people with Developmental Disabilities. This is a wonderful opportunity to share the message of salvation, and visit with people with disabilities. Please contact Pastor Fraser at the church if you would like to assist with this Christian outreach.

Event Series Divine Worship

Divine Worship

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 394 Shepherd Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Worship Service at 10:30am SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (Proper 9B) (7 July 2024) Ezekiel 2:1–5 2 Corinthians 12:1–10 Mark 6:1–13 The Ministers of Christ Are Sent with His Authority to Forgive Sins and Give Life The prophet Ezekiel was raised up by the Spirit of the Lord and sent to speak an unpopular Word to...