
Reverend Fraser Coltman


Rosalyn Rosher


Pastor’s Greeting

Welcome to our website!   We have a number of hopes for it.  If you are a visitor, we hope it allows you to begin to get to know our congregation from afar – the pictures, events, stories and sermons should all help with that.  We also hope it can serve as a touch point through which you can contact us or visit us in person.  God calls us His servants through Jesus, calls us to serve our neighbours in love, and we would be happy to serve you in some way.

If you are a member of St. Paul’s, we hope it helps you when you are interested in joining in an activity coming up, or if you want to read or listen to a sermon or find a link to the Christian resources of another website.  If there is another way it could helpful to you, let us know.

Beneath all of these hopes for the website lies the hope that is foundational for us as God’s people. We hope that we may all know that we are loved by God through His Son, Jesus, who showed His love for us all with His sacrificial death on the cross and continues to love us since He is risen from the dead and ever-present with us in the person of the Holy Spirit who creates in us new, trusting, loving hearts.

God’s blessings!

Pastor Fraser Coltman

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